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About us

Gozo Adventures Team

Gozo Adventures is Malta and Gozo's leading outdoor activity specialist.  We’re passionate about the Maltese Islands and the opportunities that they naturally provide for outdoor sports and activities.  We turned our hobbies into a licenced company way back in 2003, and really can claim that the Gozo Adventures team have kayaked, climbed, biked, hiked, dived, and explored every part of Gozo and Comino!

Despite many changes to the islands since we first began, we’ve stayed true to our ethos of providing quality experiences while treading lightly on the environment and local community.

Quality Experience

  • Our guides are highly experienced in their sport, and emergency response trained.  They’re fun, but above all, they’ll keep you safe.
  • We’re a registered company, carry insurance, and we’re licenced with Malta Tourism Authority. 
  • We keep our group sizes small in order for you to have the attention of our guides, stay safe, and learn as much as you can. 
  • Our small group size means we’re flexible and can easily adapt to suit your skill level, the weather or anything else thrown at us!
  • Quality from the customers point of view?  Read our 5* Trip Advisor reviews.  They make us blush!

Social Impact

  • A lot tourists visit Gozo on a day trip, buying their ticket from a hotel or big company in Malta.  Very little of that money reaches Gozo.  We’re careful to work in partnership with a range of small businesses and individuals so that your tour money supports as many local families as possible.  Rest assured, if we recommend another company or person to you, we trust them to work to our high standards!
  • We respect our local community.  We do not offer noisy activities, and refuse large group requests if we feel they will swamp the local community and culture (as cruise ship groups do).
  • We do not change anything for our tours.  We simply show off the best of what is here, in the hope that it will prolong the places and traditions that we love. 

Environmental Impact

  • We aim to be as carbon neutral as we can and to respect the environment.  We offer only people powered activities and ebikes / Segway services, and do not run or promote motor based activities, or anything we feel is polluting, damaging, noisy or annoying to residents.
  • Our booking and accounting staff work from home to avoid commuting and the unnecessary powering of an additional office.
  • We clean and maintain the sites that we use regularly, and collect litter on our other tours.
  • We do not build, or demand that the environment is in any way altered for our activities.
  • We network and push for low impact, sustainable, and niche tourism for the islands, rather than focus on ever growing numbers.

We are fully licensed with the Malta Tourism Authority ( MTA licence TRA/H11)     :-)